Introduction and purpose
There are universal views about readability due to the way how humans process information or text. For example, consider the following number written in two ways:
823 969 346
Certainly the second version, which splits the sequence into groups of numbers, is easier to process by humans, implying that spacing is important especially if abstract information is presented.
The style guide at hand provides a set of rules designed to achieve readable and maintainable R code. Still, of course, it represents a subjective view (of the author) on how to achieve these goals and does not raise any claims of being complete. Thus, if there are viable alternatives to the presented rules or if they are against the intuition of the user, possibly even resulting in hard-to-read code, it is better to deviate from the rules rather than blindly following them.
Coding style
Notation and naming
File names
File names end in .R and are meaningful about their content:
- string-algorithms.R
- utility-functions.R
- foo.R
- foo.Rcode
- stuff.R
Function names
Preferrably function names consist of lowercase words separated by an underscore. Using dot (.) separator is avoided as this confuses with the use of generic (S3) functions. It also prevents name clashes with existing functions from the standard R packages. Camel-case style is also suitable especially for predicate functions returning a boolean value. Function names ideally start with verbs and describe what the function does.
Variable names
Variable names consist of lowercase words separated by an underscore or dot. Camel-case style is also suitable especially for variables representing boolean values. Variable names ideally are attributed nouns and describe what (state) they store.
Name clashes with existing R base functions are avoided:
# Very bad:
c <- 10
mean <- function(a, b) (a + b) / 2
file.path <- "~/Downloads" # clashes with base::file.path function
Loop variables or function arguments can be just single letters if
- the naming follows standard conventions
- their meaning is clear
- understanding is preserved
otherwise use longer variable names.
for (i in 1:10) print(i)
add <- function(a, b) a + b
rnorm <- function(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
for (unnecessary_long_variable_name in 1:10) print(unnecessary_long_variable_name)
add <- function(a1, x7) a1 + x7
rnorm <- function(m, n = 0, o = 1)
Function definitions
Function definitions first list arguments without default values, followed by those with default values. In both function definitions and function calls, multiple arguments per line are allowed; line breaks are only allowed between assignments.
rnorm <- function(n, mean=0, sd=1)
pnorm <- function(q, mean=0, sd=1,
lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
mean <- function(mean=0, sd=1, n) # n should be listed first
pnorm <- function(q, mean=0, sd=1, lower.tail=
TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
Function calls
When calling a function, the meaning of the function call and arguments should be clear from the call, that is, usually function arguments beyond the first are explicitly named or at least invoked with a meaningful variable name, for example, identical to the name of function argument:
rnorm(100, mean=1, sd=2)
identical(1, 1.0) # no need for explicit naming as meaning of call is clear
# If variable and arguments names match, explicit naming can be omitted, but
# be careful about mixing up the argument order, especially when the function
# interface is likely to be re-designed. Unit tests are vital in such cases!
mean <- 1
sd <- 2 <- sd
rnorm(100, mean, sd)
rnorm(100, mean,
rnorm(100, 1, 2)
For any assignment, the arrow (<-) is used, not the equal sign (=).
x <- 5 # GOOD
x = 5 # BAD
Semicolons are never used.
x <- 5; y <- 10; z <- 3 # break into three lines instead
Spacing around …
… commas
Place a space after a comma but never before (as in regular English)
v <- c(1, 2, 3)
m[1, 2]
v <- c(1,2,3)
m[1 ,2]
… operators
Spaces around infix operators (=, +, -, <-, etc.) should be done in a way that supports readability, for example, by placing spaces between semantically connected groups. If in doubt, rather use more spaces, except with colons (:), which usually should not be surrounded by spaces.
# Spacing according to semantically connected groups
x <- 1:10
average <- mean(feet/12 + inches, na.rm=TRUE)
# Using more spaces - also ok
average <- mean(feet / 12 + inches, na.rm = TRUE)
x <- 1 : 10
base :: get
… parentheses
A space is placed before left parentheses, except in a function call, and after right parentheses. Arithmetic expressions form a special case, in which spaces can be omitted.
if (debug) print(x)
plot(x, y)
# Special case arithmetic expression:
2 + (a+b)/(c+d) + z/(1+a)
if(debug)print (x)
plot (x, y)
No spaces are placed around code in parentheses or square brackets, unless there is a comma:
if (debug) print(x)
diamonds[3, ]
diamonds[, 4]
if ( debug ) print( x )
diamonds[ ,4]
… curly braces
An opening curly brace is followed by a new line. A closing curly brace goes on its own line.
for (x in letters[1:10]) {
add <- function(x, y) {
x + y
add <- function(x, y)
x + y
add <- function(x, y) {x + y}
Code is indented with ideally four, but at least two spaces. Usually using four spaces provides better readability than two spaces especially the longer the indented code-block gets.
# Four-space indent:
for (i in seq_len(10)) {
if (i %% 2 == 0) {
} else {
# The same code-block using two-space indent:
for (i in seq_len(10)) {
if (i %% 2 == 0) {
} else {
Extended indendation: when a line break occurs inside parentheses, align the wrapped line with the first character inside the parenthesis:
fibonacci <- c(1, 1, 2, 3, 5,
8, 13, 21, 34)
As with a good syntax style, the main goal of good code organization is to provide good readability and understanding of the code, especially for external readers/reviewers. While the following guidelines generally have proven to be effective for this purpose, they harm things if applied the wrong way or in isolation. For example, if the user wants to restricts himself to 50 lines of code for each block (see below), but, instead of proper code-reorganization, achieves this by just deleting all comments in the code block, things probably have gotten worse. Thus, any (re-)organization of code first and foremost must serve the improvement of the readability and understanding of the code, ideally implemented by the guidelines given in this section.
Line length
Ideally, the code does not exceed 80 characters per line. This fits comfortably on a printed page with a reasonably sized font and therefore can be easily processed by a human, which tend to read line by line. Longer comments are simply broken into several lines:
# Here is an example of a longer comment, which is just broken into two lines
# in order to serve the 80 character rule.
Long variable names can cause problems regarding the 80 characters limit. In such cases, one simple yet effective solution is to use interim results, which are saved in a new meaningful variable name. This at the same time often improves the readability of the code. For example:
# Longer statement
total.cost <- hotel.cost + + cost.lunch + cost.airplane +
cost.breakfast + cost.dinner + cost.car_rental
# Solution with interim result
travel.cost <- + cost.airplane + cost.car_rental
food.cost <- cost.breakfast + cost.lunch + cost.dinner
total.cost <- travel.cost + food.cost + hotel.cost
Similarly, four-space indenting in combination with multiple nested code-blocks can cause problems to maintain the 80 character limit and may require to relax this rule in such cases. At the same time, however, multiple nested code-blocks should be avoided in the first place, because with more nesting the code usually gets harder to understand.
Block length
Each functionally connected block of code (usually a function block) should not exceed a single screen (about 50 lines of code). This allows the code to be read and understood without having to line-scroll. Exceeding this limit usually is a good indication that some of the code should be encapsulated (refactorized) into a separate unit or function. Doing so, not only improves the readability of the code but also flexibilizes (and thereby simplifies) further code development. In particular, single blocks that are separated by comments, often can be refactorized into functions, named similar to the comment, for example:
Long single-block version:
# Sub-block 1: simulate data for some model
x <- 1:100
y <- rnorm(length(x))
longer code block generating some data
data <- ...
# Sub-block 2: plot the resulting data points
ylims <- c(0, 30)
p <- ggplot(data) +
longer code block defining plot object
# Sub-block 3: format results and export to Excel file
outFile <- "output.xlsx"
export to Excel file
The singe-block version may exceed a single page and requires a lot of comments just to separate each step visually, but even with this visual separation, it will be unnecessary difficult for a second person to understand the code, because allthough the code might be entirely sequential, he possibly will end up jumping back and forth within the block to get an understanding of it. In addition, if parts of the block are changed at a later time point, the code can easily get out of sync with the comments.
Refactorized version:
# Simulate data, plot it and export it to Excel file
data.sim <- simulate_data(x = 1:100, y = rnorm(length(x)), ...)
plot_simulated_data(data.sim, ylims = c(0, 30), ...)
write_results_into_table(data.sim, outFile="output.xlsx")
In the refactorized version each sub-block was put into a separate function (not shown), which is now called in place. In contrast to the single-block version, each of these functions can be re-used, tested and have their own documentation. Since each of such functions encapsulate their own environment, the second (refactorized) design is also less vulnerable to side-effects between blocks. A second person can now read and understand function by function without having to worry about the rest of the block.
Last but not least, the block comments in the single-block versions could be transformed into function names so that the documentation is now part of the code and as such no longer can get out of sync with it.
Packages and namespaces
Whenever the ::
operator is used, the namespace of the corresponding package is loaded but not attached to the search path.
tools::file_ext("test.txt") # loads the namespace of the 'tools' package,
## [1] "txt"
search() # but does not attach it to the search path
## [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:stats" "package:graphics"
## [4] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" "package:datasets"
## [7] "package:methods" "Autoloads" "package:base"
file_ext("test.txt") # and thus produces an error if called without namespace prefix
## Error in file_ext("test.txt"): could not find function "file_ext"
# base::mean and stats::rnorm work, because base and stats namespaces are
# loaded and attached by default:
## [1] -0.1335297
In contrast, the library() (or require()) command loads the package’s namespace but also attaches its namespace to the search path, which allows to refer to functions of the package without using the :: operator.
library(tools) # loads namespace and attaches it to search path
## [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:tools" "package:stats"
## [4] "package:graphics" "package:grDevices" "package:utils"
## [7] "package:datasets" "package:methods" "Autoloads"
## [10] "package:base"
file_ext("test.txt") # now works
## [1] "txt"
Since a call to a function shall not alter the search path, library() or require() statements are not allowed in functions used in R packages. In contrast, library() statements are suitable for local (data analysis) R scripts especially if a specific function is used frequently. An alternative is to locally re-map the frequently used function:
file_ext <- tools::file_ext
## [1] "txt"
## [1] "docx"
## [1] "xlsx"
Code documentation
Function headers
A function header is placed above any function, unless it is defined inside another function.
It is recommended to use the roxygen format, because it
- promotes a standardized documentation
- allows for automatic creation of a user-documentation from the header
- allows for automatic creation of all namespace definitions of an R-package
A function header at least contains the following elements (the corresponding roxygen keyword is listed at the start):
- @title: short sentence of what the function does
- @description: extended description of the function (optionally the @details keyword can be used to describe further details)
- @param (or @field with RefClasses): For each input parameter, a summary of the type of the parameter (e.g., string, numeric vector) and, if not obvious from the name, what the parameter does.
- @return: describes the output from the function, if it returns something.
- @examples: if applicable, examples of function calls are provided. Providing executable R code, which shows how to use the function in practice, is a very important part of the documentation, because people usually look at the examples first. While generally example code should work without errors, for the purpose of illustration, it is often useful to also include code that causes an error. If done, the corresponding place in the code should be marked accordingly (use with roxygen).
Example of a roxygen-header:
#' @title String suffix matching
#' @description
#' Determines whether \code{end} is a suffix of string \code{s} (borrowed from
#' Python, where it would read \code{s.endswith(end)})
#' @param s (character) the input character string
#' @param end (character) string to be checked whether it is a suffix of the
#' input string \code{s}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{end} is a suffix of \code{s} else \code{FALSE}
#' @examples
#' string_ends_with("Hello World!", "World!") # TRUE
#' string_ends_with(" Hello World!", "world!") # FALSE (case sensitive)
string_ends_with <- function(s, end)
# Implementation ...
Inline code comments
Inline comments should explain the programmer’s intent at a higher level of abstraction than the code, that is, they should provide additional information, which are not obvious from reading the code alone. As such, good comments don’t repeat, summarize or explain the code, unless the code is so complicated that it warrants an explanation, in which case, however, it is often worth to revise the code to make it more readable instead.
Examples of suitable, informative comments:
# Compare strings pairwise and determine first position of differing characters
splitted_s <- strsplit(s, split = "")[[1]]
splitted_url <- strsplit(url, split = "")[[1]][1:nchar(s)]
different <- splitted_s != splitted_url
first_different_position <- which(different)[1]
# Provide index via names as we need them later
names(v) <- seq_along(v)
Bad redundant comments:
v <- 1:10 # initialize vector
# Loop through all numbers in the vector and increment by one
for (i in 1:length(v)) {
v[i] <- v[i] + 1 # increment number
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